When Do You Need Fire Watch?

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When it comes to emergencies, fires are the most common and dangerous. Protecting your business or home from fires is one of the biggest priorities. Every building requires some sort of emergency fire system. These range from home smoke detectors to industrial fire suppression systems. Depending on the size of the building or business activities, many will have several forms of systems. The one thing that all of these emergency systems have in common is that they can be taken off-line or damaged. When this happens, you need fire watch on duty. If your business is conducting activities, such as construction or a large event, you may be required to have fire watch as well. The NFPA code requires fire watch on duty whenever there is a higher risk of fire hazards. Here are some situations when your business requires additional fire protection patrol on duty.

When Does Your Business Need Fire Watch?

Fire Emergency System Issues

If your fire emergency system is not working, fire watch must be on duty. Emergency fire systems can be fire alarms, sprinkler systems, standpipes, or any other fire suppression system. Every kind of system will face some sort of downtime eventually. Whether that is maintenance, a break-down, or a disaster, it is bound to happen. The first thing you should do when your emergency systems are taken off-line is to call fire watch. When your alarm or sprinklers are not working, Code 4 becomes the front-line defense against disaster.

 Potentially Hazardous Business Activities

Fire watch is required during many industrial business activities. Activities such as welding, grinding, and pouring hot metals can increase the likelihood of fire hazards. During any kind of “hot work”, fire watch is required to be on duty. The patrol must remain on duty for at least 30 minutes after the “hot work” is complete.

Building Construction

Additional protection can be required during working and non-working construction activities. If building construction requires any kind of “hot work”, fire watch must be on patrol. Additionally, a watch can be required during non-working hours, depending on the size of the project. If the new construction is 40 feet in height or exceeds 50,000 square feet, it will require fire watch during non-working hours.

Not only is fire watch required during construction, but it is also required during building demolition. Demolition activities can cause increased fire hazards. Tools used in construction and demolition can cause sparks and ignite materials in the area. Having fire watch on duty during these activities limits the potential threat of a construction hazard.

Large Crowds of People

Large crowds bring with them a variety of potential hazards. One of the most important hazards to be aware of is a fire emergency. If your business has large crowds of people, it will require extra levels of protection. Depending on the type of event and how many people, a business may be required to have additional protections in place. This is up to fire code officials to determine. Patrol can be required as an extra level of protection to watch for fire hazards as well as help with possibly evacuating people from the building.

How Do I Find Fire Watch Services? 

Code 4 Fire Watch is a fire watch company providing coverage throughout the United States. Founded by firefighters, we understand how to prevent and handle fire emergencies. We provide services at any time of the day and can have fire protection patrol on duty quickly. Call or contact us at any time for prompt services.

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