What to Do During A Fire Emergency At Work

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Fire emergencies at work are one of the most dangerous and destructive situations that can occur. The threat of a fire is present almost everywhere, including at home and at work. While many buildings have emergency protection systems, it is important to always be aware of any potential hazards. Understanding your workplace’s emergency fire plan is an essential step in protecting yourself and others at work. Learn more about what to do when you have a fire emergency at work from Code 4 Fire Watch.

Fire Emergencies at Work

No matter the size of the office, fire safety is a critical component of every business. Your employer will have a set of fire safety guidelines that are important to review and understand. These guidelines and protocols save lives, so it is something to take seriously. Workplaces and office buildings need to have a fire emergency plan in place. Review your employer’s emergency evacuation plans and make sure you understand the importance of a few items:

Stay Calm

Staying calm during an emergency is important. Do not run and do not panic. Whenever a fire emergency happens at work, stay calm and evacuate the building in an orderly fashion. If you stay calm, it will help others around you to stay calm.

Practice Makes Perfect

Many people groan or roll their eyes during fire drills. However, fire drills are critical to ensure employees and building occupants know how to stay safe during an emergency. Take all fire drills seriously and pay attention to all instructions. By practicing the emergency evacuation plan, employees will know how to safely escape and where to regroup.

Where is the Designated Area of Gathering?

Know where you meet up with your team. As part of a workplace fire plan, there needs to be a safe Area of Gathering for employees to regroup, as well as to conduct a headcount. This is important, as it gives everyone insight into how many people can potentially be in the building.

Where is the Closest Fire Exit?

Locate the closest fire exit to your workstation. Familiarize yourself with the stairwells to ensure you know how to safely get to the fire exits. Elevators are not a safe way to exit a building in this situation, so plan to take the stairs. You should also be familiar with multiple fire exits. Fires can sometimes block the entrances and exits of a building. Have a backup plan in case you find your closest exit obstructed.

What If I See Smoke or Fire?

Fire alarm activation switches will be located throughout the building. Understanding where fire alarms are present will allow you to notify the building occupants if you see smoke or fire within the building. Immediately alert building security and the people around you.

Where Are the Fire Extinguishers?

This is important to know, as fire extinguishers are a great tool to suppress fires. Take a few minutes to look up how to properly operate a fire extinguisher. This way, you are prepared in case of a small fire. If you do put out a fire with an extinguisher, you should still follow company fire protocols, including immediately calling 911. The fire department will still need to come and ensure no hot spots or risks are present. Whenever you have a fire of any sort, you should still call 911.

Make Your Plan

Think about what would happen if you found yourself in a fire emergency at work. Make sure you know each step of the evacuation plan. It is also important that you know how to activate fire alarms in case of an emergency. Do you know where the exits are? Do you know where the Area of Gathering is located? Who is the responsible member of your team to ensure all employees are safe? Can you help lead coworkers to safety? It is good to mentally prepare in case of a fire emergency at work.

Facing a fire emergency at work is something we never want to encounter, but we should be prepared for one. By understanding your workplace emergency plans, you can keep yourself and your coworkers safe. Take a few minutes to review your workplaces’ plans. If you are unsure of anything, contact building security with any questions you may have. Code 4 Fire Watch is committed to fire safety. Our team understands how to keep hotels and offices safe. To learn more about our fire watch services, call us any time of the day or night!

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