When it comes to operating a business, safety is a top priority. Possibly the biggest threat to any business is the risk of fire. Almost every building requires some sort of fire protection. However, businesses can face situations where they are at an elevated risk of fire. When your business requires additional fire protection, it is time to call a fire watch company. Code 4 Fire Watch provides fire watch services in Tennessee.

Tennessee Fire Watch Regulations

According to Tennessee regulations, businesses require fire watch personnel on duty any time there is an elevated risk of a fire. These can be events with a large number of people or construction and industrial activities. However, the most common instance is whenever emergency fire systems are offline. Businesses need to have some sort of fire protection. If fire alarms, sprinklers, or suppression systems are not functioning, you need a manual patrol of the building.

How Does A Fire Watch Protect My Business?

A fire watch is a manual patrol of the entire building looking for any signs of smoke or fire. The duty of the patrol is to initiate evacuations and contact first responders in case of a fire emergency. They are to keep detailed logs of each patrol that are regularly reported to local fire marshals. If a business does not have an adequate fire protection plan in place, they face heavy penalties or shutdowns.

Life safety is the number one priority of fire watch. The patrol on duty are highly trained professionals. They understand life safety protocols, as well as property protection.

Code 4 Fire Watch in Tennessee

Get the Code 4 advantage for your business! With over 30 years of fire protection experience, we will keep your business safe. Founded by firefighters, we provide extensive training to our personnel. We protect businesses in long-term and emergency situations. Call Code 4 now for fire watch services in Tennessee!

If this is an EMERGENCY, please contact us by dialing (386) 260-0692.