Every business requires some sort of fire protection. Alarms, sprinklers, and fire suppression systems are the most common forms found in buildings. If any of those systems are offline, it is time to call fire watch. Serving the entire commonwealth, Code 4 Fire Watch provides fire watch services in Kentucky. Fire watch is a manual patrol of a building. The patrol’s duty is to inspect the entire premises looking for signs of fire hazards.

Kentucky Fire Watch Laws & Regulations

According to Kentucky fire codes, fire watch is required any time alarms or sprinklers are offline. Businesses must immediately notify local fire officials when their emergency systems are offline. Fire watch personnel report patrol logs to local fire officials. Fire marshals require adequate fire protection to conduct business. Businesses face shutdowns or steep penalties if they do not have the required fire protections in place. Having trained professionals protect your business guarantees safety and compliance with fire codes.

How Does Fire Watch Protect Your Business?

By walking every area of the property, the fire watch on duty looks for signs of fire or potential hazards. They protect your business and building occupants through vigilant monitoring. If smoke or fire is detected, the official on duty will initiate evacuations and contact emergency responders. Personnel on duty are also trained to use fire extinguishers and other fire suppression equipment.

Get the Code 4 Advantage in Kentucky

Code 4 Fire Watch has over 30 years of experience in protecting businesses. Founded by firefighters, we thoroughly train our employees to protect life and property. The primary goal of Code 4 is to protect the lives of building occupants. If you are a business that requires fire watch services in Kentucky, contact us today! Our team is available for long-term and emergency contracts. Personnel can be onsite quickly to keep your business safe and compliant with local fire codes.

If this is an EMERGENCY, please contact us by dialing (386) 260-0692.