In the Know: What to Ask Your Fire Sprinkler System Installer

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When it comes to our safety and that of those around us, there’s no such thing as paying too much. However, spending a lot of money doesn’t necessarily mean getting the best product or service. This is just as true when it comes to a commercial fire sprinkler system. Yes, you want to protect your employees, guests, and property, but you also want to ensure that the money spent on fire safety systems is appropriately invested. To do this, you will want to take your time and do your homework regarding whatever fire sprinkler system you have installed.

Having your commercial property outfitted with a fire sprinkler system to protect everyone and everything is vital. To help you in your decision-making process, here are some questions you will want to ask before choosing an installation company.

What to Ask a Fire Sprinkler System Installer

Sure, selecting features for a commercial property can often come down to the price tag. But don’t let that be the sole determining factor when looking at fire sprinkler systems. Here are some other criteria to keep in mind.

Does the fire sprinkler company have any accreditations?

Ideally, the company you select for installing your sprinkler system will have met the standards required by a third-party, such as those set forth by the NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency), the UL Fire Sprinkler Testing and Certification Service, or the International Code Council (ICC). These organizations are there to see that fire sprinkler installation companies know all there is to prevent fires and install systems designed to have the maximum effect if a fire occurs.

How much training do your sprinkler system installers have?

A fire sprinkler system needs to be inspected annually, and you want people doing it who are up to date on any changes or new information regarding fire safety and commercial property. Be sure that the company you hire has ongoing education opportunities for their installation crew and, if applicable, those who do the inspections as well. In addition, it is crucial that the installation crew have all the possible training so you can be sure your system is installed correctly and safely.

Does the company have any specializations?

While this is not necessarily a deal-breaker, your fire safety needs will be different from those of a restaurant if you are building a hotel. When you talk with a sprinkler system provider, having one who is well-versed in your particular business will offer an advantage. In addition, depending on the size of your property and how it will be used, there may be a specific fire sprinkler system that would be better than another. A company that specializes in a particular type of sprinkler system or property will be able to help you make the best decision.

What does the price include?

No, there’s no price tag on the value of a person’s life, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ask the price of a fire sprinkler system and be sure you know exactly what that price tag includes. Keep in mind that a system’s cost will vary based on several factors. Some of these are:

·      Size of the building

·      Age of the building

·      If an older building, is it a historic site with particular requirements?

·      What is being protected

·      Will inspections have to be after traditional business hours?

·      Is there any special equipment needed?

Other aspects that can affect the price of a fire sprinkler system include:

·      Disposal fees

·      Trip charges

·      Type of fuel that may be needed

·      How many devices do you have

·      Replacement for any seals, links, pins, etc.

Who are your clients?

There’s nothing wrong with asking a potential fire sprinkler system company to provide you with a list -be sure to ask for a list that includes both current and former accounts – of their clients. Once you have that list, take the time to contact as many of them as possible and find out what type of company you will be dealing with.

These are just a few of the questions you should ask a potential fire sprinkler installation company. Having these answers can help you decide and go a long way towards protecting your investment. Have other concerns about fire safety or sprinkler systems? Contact the Code 4 Team today. We are here to help.

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