Fire Hazards in the Office

common fire hazards in the office, Fire Watch Patrol Wellington, Fire Watch Companies, Fire Watch Services, Fire Safety, Compliance, Rapid Response, Code 4 Fire Watch, Wellington FL

Fire hazards can present themselves anywhere. From at home, to in the car, to even at work. No matter what your profession is, each employee is responsible for fire safety. While some professions are more hazardous than others, even the common office space can have fire dangers present. The first step in preventing fires at work is learning how to identify them. Here are some common fire hazards in the office and a few tips on how to prevent fires.

Common Fire Hazards in the Office

Kitchen / Common Area Hazards

Many offices will have a common area or kitchen. This is the place that many employees heat up their lunch or just enjoy a break from their desk. As with any kitchen, fire hazards can present themselves at any time. If your office kitchen has appliances like toasters, convection ovens, or even a popcorn machine, make sure to inspect them regularly for any hazards. Additionally, do not walk away from anything that generates heat or while you are cooking. It is very easy to get sidetracked in the office and forget your lunch in the convection oven!


Smoking is a leading cause of fire hazards in the office. Improperly disposed of cigarette butts can trigger fires in trash cans or other areas. Carelessness with lighters or matches can also present a danger for the office. If you do choose to smoke, do so only in designated areas and dispose of any cigarette butts in an approved receptacle.


Old, overloaded, or improperly used electronics can lead to fires. Electronics that are damaged or malfunctioning can create sparks and heat very easily. This can create a fire hazard in. Offices generally have many devices plugged in. Be aware to not overload any circuits. If you are using power strips, make sure they are still functioning properly and the wire insulation is not damaged. Shut down and unplug electronics whenever you leave for the day.

Blocked Entries, Exits, and Stairwells

Make sure all exits and stairwells are free of obstructions. Fire marshals will inspect the premises and mark off areas where you may not store items. Keep these areas clear of any items. If a fire does occur in your office, it is crucial that everyone is able to get out of the building quickly and easily.

Space Heaters

We all know offices can get cold at times. This has lead to many employees bringing in space heaters. If you do choose to bring a space heater to the office, make sure it is in good condition and ideally has a timer that shuts it off. Space heaters left on for extended periods of time can lead to fire hazards, especially if they tip over. Many space heaters now feature a tip-over cut-off function for additional safety. Make sure to keep your space heater away from any close object and especially away from anything flammable.

Waste or Other Combustible Materials

Waste and recycle bins oftentimes contain flammable materials. Shredded paper or cardboard can catch fire easily and burn at a rapid pace. Keep these bins and materials away from anything that generates heat or could produce sparks.

Code 4 Fire Watch – Protecting Your Office from Fire Hazards

Acting as the first line of protection, fire alarms alert employees when there is a dangerous situation. Make sure your office has regular fire safety drills to ensure everyone stays safe during a fire emergency. If the fire alarms in your office are not working or malfunctioning, you will need fire watch on duty. Code 4 Fire Watch provides the best fire watch services for businesses. Our team can be on-site quickly and we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call our operators to have fire watch on-site now!

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