Fire Hazards at Home

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Protecting your family from danger includes preventing fire hazards at home. With so many homes destroyed by fires each year, it is best to be vigilant and aware of any hazards. Along with having a home fire response plan, awareness of common fire hazards will help protect your family and home.

Common Fire Hazards at Home

Cooking Fire Hazards

When it comes to fire hazards at home, kitchen fires are one of the most common. The kitchen presents many fire hazards. From the stove, the oven, and even the toaster, kitchen fire safety is very important. Always pay close attention to the food you are cooking. Keep a fire extinguisher handy in case of a fire in the oven or on the stove. Also, keep electronic appliances like toasters away from the sink or areas with water. Water plus electricity is an equation that equals fire.

Grease and oil fire present a major hazard in the kitchen. It is important to remember – if you have a grease or oil fire, DO NOT put water on it. Water will create an even more dangerous situation. Use an approved fire extinguisher or fire extinguishing blanket to put out the flames. If you have a kitchen fire at home, always call 911 and have the fire department come out. They will inspect for any unseen hot spots or other fire hazards. Remember, just because you can’t see the fire doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

Bad Extension Cords

Old or damaged extension cords present a fire hazard. As extension cords age, the connections and insulation deteriorate. This can lead to exposed or overloaded wires. Bad extension cords can also contribute to overloading circuits.

Regularly inspect your extension cords for damage or age. Replace them every few years to keep your home safe.

Overloading Circuits

Overloading circuits or plugs in your house is extremely dangerous. Never plug in multiple power strips into one plug. This will generate too much power and can create heat and sparks. Often, overloaded plugs will get extremely hot and can start a home fire. Prevent this by only using high-quality power strips and use one at a time.

Unattended Candles

Leaving burning candles unattended is a huge fire hazard. Never leave a room or fall asleep with a burning candle. They can possibly tip over and cause a dangerous situation. Be mindful about where your candles are located as well. Keep them as far away from flammable materials as possible.

Fireplace Hazards

While fireplaces can be a source of warmth and comfort, they can also lead to danger. Wood burning fireplaces should always be attended to. Don’t ever leave the room or home with a fire in the fireplace. Logs can potentially fall out and catch surrounding areas on fire. It is also best to have your chimney regularly inspected by a chimney sweep. Tar and other debris can accumulate in the chimney and eventually catch fire. Seasonal chimney maintenance can prevent this and keep your family safe.

When lighting a fire at home, do not use gasoline or lighter fluid. These methods are too volatile, and you should use something like a dedicated fire starter stick or small amounts of newspaper.

Old or Malfunctioning Appliances

Old and malfunctioning appliances can create fire hazards at home. If your clothes dryer accumulates a high volume of lint, that can cause hot spots to form and ignite a fire. Keep the air vents in your dryer clear of any lint. Old hot water heaters can also eventually cause a fire as well.


Smoking can kill in more ways than one. Cigarettes that fall on furniture, carpet, or other flammable materials present a dangerous hazard. If you do choose to smoke, be mindful of any potential hazards.

By identifying and preventing fire hazards at home, you can stay safe. Stay aware whenever using items that generate heat or use high levels of electricity. In addition to prevention, you should have a home fire safety plan in place. If your business needs fire watch services, contact Code 4 Fire Watch today!

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