Backyard Fire Safety

backyard fire safety, Fire Watch Patrol Lantana, Fire Watch Companies, Fire Watch Services, Fire Safety, NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, Emergency Services, Compliance, Property Protection

Building a fire in your backyard is a common activity amongst homeowners. From bonfires to backyard fireplaces, there are many ways to enjoy your backyard. However, building a fire in your backyard can present several dangers. Whenever you are building a fire to enjoy, you need to make sure you follow proper fire safety. Code 4 Fire Watch provides backyard fire safety tips to protect your home and yard.

Fire Safety Tips for Your Backyard

Backyard Bonfires and Fire Pits

Building a bonfire or having a backyard fire pit is common across the country. They are a great place to relax and enjoy the outdoors. If you are building an outdoor fire, make sure to prepare properly. Make sure you have a hose or some way to extinguish the fire completely. Clear the surrounding area of flammable materials. For any seating around the fire, ensure you have plenty of room. Embers can jump out of the fire and cause burns. Most importantly, never leave a fire unattended. Always put the fire out and check for any burning embers still present. Pay attention to burn alerts or drought. If your area is experiencing a drought or too much wind, do not build an outdoor fire. Irresponsible backyard fire safety is extremely dangerous and can even cause a large-scale wildfire.

Outdoor Grill Fire Safety

Backyard grilling is one of the best ways to cook a meal or entertain guests. Whenever you are grilling, make sure you take proper safety measures. If you are cooking with a gas grill, take extreme caution when igniting the burners. Do not allow gas to flow for too long and stand as far back as possible when igniting. Gas fumes can accumulate and rapidly ignite, creating a dangerous fireball. When you are done grilling, always check to make sure the gas is off. For charcoal grills, do not use excessive lighter fluid when starting the grill. Make sure the grill is on a steady, non-flammable surface like concrete or brick. Grills that tip over are dangerous and can cause house fires or severe burns. Never cook extremely greasy items, like bacon, directly on the grill to prevent grease fires

Backyard Landscaping Tips

When landscaping your yard, keep fire safety in mind. Create buffer zones around your home and outdoor features. A buffer zone is a barrier of non-flammable material. Landscape stones and gravel is one example. Having a buffer zone around your house can help prevent an out-of-control fire from damaging your home. Also, create a buffer zone around areas like fire pits, fireplaces, and outdoor grills. This will make sure that the fire is contained in one area.

Store Firewood Safely

Store firewood at a safe distance from any fires or heated elements. Do not keep firewood directly next to your fire pit or fireplace. Burning logs can collapse and fall out of the hearth. If firewood is stored too closely, it can ignite and cause a fire hazard. Keep the firewood far away from the house or structures as well.

Don’t Burn Trash or Construction Materials

Burning construction materials, like plywood or lumber, is dangerous. Construction materials are treated with chemicals that are dangerous when burned. Also, burning trash is dangerous in terms of releasing chemicals as well as spreading uncontrollably. In many states, burning household trash is illegal and violators can face penalties.

Fireworks Hazards

Fireworks are one of the leading causes of fires. Irresponsible or inexperienced usage of fireworks is extremely dangerous. They can send embers throughout a large area and can easily ignite materials in your yard or even your home. In 2018, there were 19,500 fires started by fireworks. In addition to fire dangers, fireworks can cause severe injury or even death.

Protect Your Home from Fire Hazards

Even when relaxing in your backyard, it is important to always keep fire safety in mind. Taking the necessary precautions will keep your home and guests safe. Learn more about fire safety from Code 4 Fire Watch. Providing fire watch services for businesses throughout the United States.

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