Monthly Archives: May 2021

Fire Safety Plan for Your Business

fire alarms are crucial to business fire safety plans, Fire Watch Patrol, Fire Watch Companies, Fire Watch Services, NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, Volusia County Fire Watch, Emergency Fire Watch

Keeping your employees safe is one of the main responsibilities of a business leader or owner. Fire emergencies at work are dangerous and can lead to catastrophic results if your business is not prepared. That is why every business should have a well-coordinated fire safety plan. Every team member is responsible for fire safety and […]

Preventing Electrical Fires

preventing electrical fires by not overloading power strip

Homes and businesses face a variety of fire hazards. Identifying and preventing fires is the best way to protect your assets. One of the most common fire hazards is electronics. Electrical equipment and appliances can create dangerous fire hazards. By preventing electrical fires, you can protect your home and business while also keeping your team […]